Industry Projects & Partners
Industry co-sponsored PhD projects
Please see below for details of industry sponsored projects currently available at the Quantum Information Science and Technologies CDT. Please note:
- Availability of these projects is subject to a suitable candidate being accepted by the industry sponsor. In some instances, exact project details are TBC.
- Applicants interested in applying for industry sponsored project(s) are advised to apply in the standard way as per guidance on the ‘How to Apply’ page, but are advised to make reference to project(s) they are interested in within their personal statement.
- Applicants who have applied for the QIST CDT before details of these projects were made available will have the opportunity to declare an interest if invited for interview.
QIST CDT: Industry partners & how to engage with us
The QIST CDT has an extensive network of world-class industrial partners who dramatically enhance the training and student experience by providing knowledge, skills and opportunities well beyond that typically available in a PhD programme.
There are many benefits of becoming a partner of the CDT, and we offer a number of different mechanisms to engage with our programme. Examples of these include:
Case study: CDT collaborations with Industry
Our students come to us from a wide range of disciplines and they go on to secure various different roles within the scientific community. Here is an example of our successful collaborations between a CDT student and an Industry partner:

Lewis Wooltorton
I had two main motivations for undertaking an internship. Firstly, I saw it as a great opportunity to diversify my technical skill set, and start research in a new topic without having to balance my PhD work on the side. Secondly, I was undecided at the time whether I would like to stay in academia after my PhD, or move to industry. The concrete activities actually taking place in a “quantum company” were a bit mysterious to me, so I thought the best way to make an informed decision about my post-PhD plan is to apply for an internship and find out.
During my six months at Quantinuum, I was fortunate to work with the quantum cryptography team, focusing on the practical building blocks of quantum based protocols. I completed my internship both in person, joining the offices in London and occasionally visiting Cambridge, as well as online. I found the research culture at Quantinuum very encouraging with a heathy work-life balance, great team dynamics as well as plenty of fun social activities. Undertaking an internship has diversified my skill set as I had hoped; I was able to cover the literature and work on an open problem, and an output will be a paper on the work completed during my time. Moreover, I have been able to continue collaborating with the group after my internship finished. I was also able to develop an insight into bigger picture/product related research, which I would not have experienced otherwise.
This internship has definitely improved my opportunities, and given me an additional set of experiences to draw from when writing applications to jobs (including post-docs) after my PhD, as well as a better understanding of the broader research picture when considering my future research direction. The biggest opportunity I was given is to continue collaborating with the group and friends I made, and work on new interesting problems which I plan to take forward beyond my PhD.
I would encourage any CDT student to consider an internship too; feel free to reach out if you’d like to know more about what it’s like! Many thanks go to the CDT for their support in setting up the internship and making such an opportunity possible.